

Various comparator (Comparator) implementations and encapsulations

PROVIDED Comparators

OTHER Comparators

  • ReverseComparator Reverse comparator for sorting in descending order
  • VersionComparator Version comparator that supports versions such as, 6.82.20160101, 8.5a/8.5c, etc.
  • PropertyComparator Bean property comparator that compares Bean objects based on a specific attribute of the Bean
  • IndexedComparator Arranges according to the order of the array. The position of the array elements determines the sorting order of the objects.
  • ComparatorChain Comparator chain. This chain wraps multiple comparators, and the final comparison result is based on the comparison order of multiple comparators.
  • PinyinComparator Sorts Chinese character strings in GBK pinyin order for the given Chinese characters.