

Similar to template engines, Hutool encapsulates popular expression evaluation engines as a facade pattern, providing a unified API to eliminate differences. The existing engine implementations include:


First, introduce the template engine we need. After the introduction, Hutool can automatically identify and use it through the SPI mechanism. Let’s take Aviator as an example:


Executing Expressions

final Dict dict = Dict.create()
 .set("a", 100.3)
 .set("b", 45)
 .set("c", -199.100);

// -143.8
final Object eval = ExpressionUtil.eval("a-(b-c)", dict);

Custom Engine Execution

If multiple engines are introduced in the project and we want to choose a specific engine to execute, we can do:

ExpressionEngine engine = new JexlEngine();

final Dict dict = Dict.create()
 .set("a", 100.3)
 .set("b", 45)
 .set("c", -199.100);

// -143.8
final Object eval = engine.eval("a-(b-c)", dict);

Creating a Custom Engine

The core of the engine is to implement the ExpressionEngine interface, which has only one method: eval. After implementing this interface, create a spi file cn.hutool.extra.expression.ExpressionEngine in the META-INF/services/ directory of the project:


This way, you can directly call ExpressionUtil.eval to execute the expression.