

In FileUtil, a lot of static encapsulation had already been done for file reading operations. However, according to the principle of separation of responsibilities, I felt it necessary to encapsulate a separate class for file reading, to make the project clearer. Of course, using FileUtil to operate on files is the most convenient.


In the JDK, there is also a FileReader class, but it is not as convenient as imagined. Therefore, Hutool provides a more convenient FileReader class.

// Default encoding is UTF-8. The second parameter can be passed in the constructor as the encoding.
FileReader fileReader = new FileReader("");
String result = fileReader.readString();

FileReader provides the following methods to quickly read the file content:

  • readBytes
  • readString
  • readLines

In addition, this class provides the following methods for converting to a stream or BufferedReader:

  • getReader
  • getInputStream