

This article introduces a set of methods for processing images in AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit), including scaling, cropping, converting to black and white, adding watermarks, and other operations.

Method Introduction

scale Image Scaling

Two overloaded methods are provided: one scales the image according to the desired width and height, while the other scales the image according to a specific scale factor.

ImgUtil.scale(new File("d:/face.jpg"), new File("d:/face_result.jpg"), 0.5f);

cut Image Cropping

ImgUtil.cut(new File("d:/face.jpg"), new File("d:/face_result.jpg"), new Rectangle(200, 200, 100, 100));

slice Slicing an Image into Rows and Columns (Divides the image into 20 rows and 20 columns)

ImgUtil.slice(new File("e:/test2.png"), new File("e:/dest/"), 10, 10);

convert Converts image file types, supporting GIF->JPG, GIF->PNG, PNG->JPG, PNG->GIF(X), BMP->PNG, and more

ImgUtil.convert(new File("e:/test2.png"), new File("e:/test2Convert.jpg"));

gray Converts color image to black and white

ImgUtil.gray(new File("d:/logo.png"), new File("d:/result.png"));

pressText Adds text watermark to an image

ImgUtil.pressText(new File("e:/pic/face.jpg"), new File("e:/pic/test2_result.png"), "版权所有", Color.WHITE, new Font("黑体", Font.BOLD, 100), 0, 0, 0.8f);

pressImage Adds image watermark to an image

ImgUtil.pressImage(new File("d:/picTest/1.jpg"), new File("d:/picTest/dest.jpg"), File("d:/picTest/1432613.jpg")), 0, 0, 0.1f);

rotate Rotates an image

BufferedImage image = ImgUtil.rotate( File("e:/pic/366466.jpg")), 180);
ImgUtil.write(image, new File("e:/pic/result.png"));

flip Flips an image horizontally

ImgUtil.flip(new File("d:/logo.png"), new File("d:/result.png"));