

Escape and Unescape utility class, EscapeUtil, for encoding and decoding strings using the ISO Latin character set. All whitespace characters, punctuation, special characters, and other non-ASCII characters are converted to %xx-formatted character encodings (where xx corresponds to the 16-bit hexadecimal representation of the character’s position in the character set table).

The methods in this class correspond to the escape() and unescape() functions found in Javascript.


  1. EscapeUtil.escape - Performs Escape encoding (Unicode). This method does not encode ASCII letters, numbers, or the following ASCII punctuation marks: * @ - _ + . /. All other characters are replaced with their corresponding escape sequences.
  2. EscapeUtil.unescape - Performs Escape decoding.
  3. EscapeUtil.safeUnescape - Safely unescapes text, returning the original text if it was not previously escaped.